The Truehome Workshop

Design Your Truehome

A Systematic Approach to Creating a Healing Home that Fits the True You

Christopher K. Travis

Christopher is the founder and lead designer for Truehome Design.Build. He designed and built a broad variety of residential and historic projects in Texas from 1995 to 2014, including high-end new homes, ranches and estates, major remodeling, historic restoration and adaptive re-use of historic structures, historic and light commercial projects.

A true home isn’t just a building. It’s a living space crafted to provide a better life for you and your family.

A true home isn’t just a building. It’s a living space crafted to provide a better life for you and your family.

Empowering You to Achieve Your Goals and Live Your Best Life

Our scientific Truehome Workshop process help tailor a home in exact ways to each family’s personality, tastes, lifestyle, values, and financial priorities. The process is unique to our Truehome Design.Build firm and has been lauded in The New York Times and media all over the world.

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Become a Truehome Professional

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